With the permission of the original poster (Nancy Lutz, [log in to unmask], 
the owner of www.bklyn-genealogy-info.com), here is her posting that "The Ferry 
Road of Long Island" is now availabvle online:

"The Ferry Road of Long Island"
By Eugene Armbruster is now on line.


Its a wonderful source in visualizing how the Brooklyn area looked. There are 
3 maps and the chapters include familles and their homes.

NEXT:  The History of Greenpoint

I hope this information is useful or, at least, interesting.

L'Shannah Tovah* & Happy 5766,

Walter Greenspan

* L'Shannah Tovah (li-SHAH-nuh TOH-vuh; li-shah-NAH toh-VAH) 
Hebrew. Lit. for a good year. The common greeting during Rosh ha Shannah and 
the Days of Awe.  This is a shortening of "L'Shannah tovah tikatev v'taihatem" 
(or, to women, "L'Shannah tovah tikatevi v'taihatemi"), which means, "May you 
be inscribed and sealed for a good year."  This year, Rosh ha Shannah begins 
at sunset on Monday, October 3 on the civil calendar.