Symposium:      The Western Frontier: Plantation Society in Colonial New
York, 1750-1775
When:                November 18-20, 2005
Where:               Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Johnstown, NY

Interaction among the multi-ethnic residents of the Mohawk Valley
created a distinctive regional culture in the decades before the
American Revolution. Sir William Johnson, General Philip Schuyler, and
General Nicolas Herkimer influenced the development of the area by
establishing a European plantation system of landlords and tenant
farmers. This Symposium will explore the architecture, economics,
domestic life, and military experience of the area west of Albany, NY,
between 1750 and 1775. 

All paper presentations are free and open to the public thanks to the
generosity of the New York Council for the Humanities but seating is
limited and pre-registration is required. Additional symposium events
carry a small fee and also require pre-registration. 

For additional information visit:
registration forms will be available shortly.

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