According to today's (Thursday, April 7) NEWSDAY, "Shelter Island's town 
board is creating a new committee to deal with a problem that's stumped the town 
for more than a year - what to do when people discover the unmarked graves of 
American Indians and Colonial settlers."

NEWSDAY continues, "But the move has sparked criticism from a Shinnecock 
tribal member who decried the committee's advisory status and said the town needs 
to strengthen its protection of sacred Indian burial sites."

To see the complete NEWSDAY article, "SHELTER ISLAND: Colonial-era burial 
sites are focus of new panel" by Mitchell Freedman, please go to (copy and paste 
the entire URL, beginning with "http" and ending with "-print"):,0,

The Town of Shelter Island is located on the east end, between the North Fork 
and South Fork of Long Island, in Suffolk County.

I hope this information is useful or, at least, interesting.


Walter Greenspan