1-25-05 At one time, the city directories for NYC were available online. You could search them by street. If they are not online, which would be a shame, they must available (he said, with hope and naiveté in him) on microfilm. Joe Cutshall-King David Minor wrote: >Happy New Year! to all, > >I received the following request for informtion a few days ago. > >I am looking for any information on a recording stuido that was located at >395 Broadway in New York (in 1946) and I came across your name as possibly >knowing some information that could help. If you are able to share any >information concerning a company called 'The RecorDisc Corp'. Thank you, >Cathy D. > >I Googled the various terms every which way and searched the back issues of >the New York Times (including advertising), but came up with nothing for >the company name or any recording studio at that address. > >I'm suggesting to her that she try the NY Public Library and ASCAP. Any >others suggestions I can pass along to Cathy Dufour (yes, I did searches on >that last name as well, in case there's a family connection). > >Thanks in advance for any help, > >David Minor > >David Minor >Eagles Byte Historical Research >Pittsford, New York >585 264-0423 >'dminor' 'at symbol' 'eznet.net' > >To be put on the mailing list for the weekly TimeMaster radio scripts >(WXXI-FM 91.5), as well as a Quote of the Week and a URL of the Week, >e-mail me at the address above. > >HOME PAGE >http://home.eznet.net/~dminor > >includes NYNY, a series of timelines covering New York City and State, from >approximately 1,100,000,000 BC to 1991 AD. >http://home.eznet.net/~dminor/NYNY.html > >Visit the Canal Society of New York State page at http://www.canalsnys.org/ > > >"I would undertake to supply your demands if your generosity is equal to them." > -John Bartram, U. S. naturalist > > > > >