Received the following query. Replies can be posted either to me or the
list and I'll forward.

Thanks in advance,

David Mnor

>>This is something of a shot in the dark. I'm a  freelance writer
>>(Harper's, New York Times Magazine, etc)  here in  Manhattan
>>researching two topics: history of the dumbbell tenement (about which  I
>>have a lot) and the history of NYC sidewalk construction, especially
>>early use  of concrete (about which I have almost nothing). Do you know
>>of anyone, an  infrastructure historian, who might be a help on the
>>sidewalks? And if you  happen to know of any great stuff (off the beaten
>>track) on architect James Ware and the dumbbell tenements that too would
>>be appreciated, though I'm fairly well versed there. Thanks for any

David Minor
Eagles Byte Historical Research
Pittsford, New York
585 264-0423
'dminor' 'at symbol' ''

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        -John Bartram, U. S. naturalist