A Follow Up Maybe the songwriter was from Long Island. According to Heritage Quest there was a Udall's Mill in Great Neck. David > A resident of my town has asked me if Yewdall's Mill, featured in the >folk song, "The Girl From Yewdall's Mill," was real or fictitious. >The canal song also mentions Fairmount and Phoenixville and Ginea >Hill. French's Gazetteer lists Fairmount as a canal stop in the town >of Camillus in Onondaga County. Phoenixville may be Phoenix in the >town of Schroeppel in Oswego County. Neither French's nor Spafford's >refer to Yewdall's Mill. Does anyone have any knowledge of this place? >Mary Jo Lanphear Town of Brighton Historian David Minor Eagles Byte Historical Research Pittsford, New York 585 264-0423 [log in to unmask] Visit the Canal Society of New York State page at http://www.canalsnys.org/ To be put on the mailing list for the weekly TimeMaster radio scripts (WXXI-FM 91.5), as well as a Quote of the Week and a URL of the Week, e-mail me at the address above. http://home.eznet.net/~dminor includes NYNY, a series of timelines covering New York City and State, from approximately 1,100,000,000 BC to 1991 AD. "I would undertake to supply your demands if your generosity is equal to them." -John Bartram, U. S. naturalist