Someone at the Schomberg may know some scholars who have studied Joe Louis and he should also just make cold calls to. There's a wonderful man named Gerald Early who's written about boxing and he may have some info:
Early, Gerald
[Gerald Early received his B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1980 and 1982. He teaches at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, where he is the Merle Kling Professor of Modern Letters and Director of the African and Afro-American Studies Program.
Early's publications include Tuxedo Junction: Essays on American Culture (1990), My Soul's High Song (editor, 1991), The Selected Writings of Countee Cullen (editor, 1991), The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Literature, Prizefighting, and Modern American Culture (1991)
Also, at Princeton, Joyce Carol Oates (of all people) is a huge boxing fan and she may be a contact for others. Finally, why not just make some cold calls varoius gyms where the boxers train around NYC? Gleason's in Brooklyn (where Mike Tyson used to train) may have a few old guys around who know people who remember the Louis fights. And try getting in touch with promoters, like Don King--if you can't get hold of him try the law firm that represents him: SIdley & Austin (at least they did in the 1980's).
I hope all this isn't numbingly obvious.

Steve Turtell

Director of Public Programs

New-York Historical Society

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March 2, 11:30, Feiffer for Families

March 5, 6:30, Feiffer on Feiffer

March 19, 6:30, Distinguished Speaker: Prof. Simon Schama

March 25: "Enterprising Women" exhibition opens


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