These are some suggestions of people with connections to Tompkins County.


Simeon DeWitt: surveyor general of NY and developer of Ithaca
Ezra Cornell: philanthropist
Andrew Dickson White:  educator and philanthropist
Burt Green Wilder:  professor of zoology at Cornell and scientific investigator
Anna Botsford Comstock:  developer of nature study program at Cornell
David Start Jordan:  entomologist and president of U of Indiana, and Stanford
University; Cornell student

Martha Van Rensselaer: developer of Home Economics at Cornell
Flora Rose: developer of Home Economics at Cornell

Hans Bethe:  physicist, Manhattan Project and Cornell; Nobel Prize winner
Roald Hoffman: chemist, Nobel Prize winner
David Lee: physicist, Nobel Prize winner
Robert Richardson, physicist, Nobel Prize winner

Archie Ammons: poet, McArthur Genius Award winner
        CU teacher and other awards
Alison Lurie: novelist, CU teacher, Pulitzer Prize winner
Karl Husa: composer, Pulitzer Prize winner
Michael Kammen, historian (of early New York and many other books) Pulitzer
  Prize winner and other awards
Carl Sagan
Samuel Parker: minister, missionary for the ABCFM, opened the Pacific
Northwest to missionaries
  William R. "Daddy" George founder of the George Jr. Republic
  Carl Carmer   Author "Genesse Fever", "Listen for a Lonesome Drumb