One place to start might be Philip L. Lord, Jr., "Mills on the Tstatswassa:
Techniques for Documenting Early 19th Century Water-Powered Industry in Rural
New York: A Case Study" (New York State Museum: State Education Department,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 6:42
Subject: 19th century waterpower
Greetings to the List,
I am working on a paper about 19th century
waterpower, and it's impact on society. I have been scanning the net for web
sites related to this topic, but would like to find all the working grist, saw
and any other mills in New York State and our neighboring states.
I also would like some ideas on books or papers
that could help me understand how these mills impacted the local economy.
Mike Riley
Town of Mentz Historian and Empire State College