Xhris:  Thanks for sharing your project with us.  A book you might want to
review is "Cuyler Schools Beginning to End" by Virginia Whitmarsh 1979.  It
covers a great bit of history of the one room school house and the state laws

Since you are in Syracuse, why not stop in Fabius and I will have a copy of
the above book for you to review.

In a message dated 9/26/2002 9:22:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> Chris Manaseri
> Syracuse University CFE student
> 315-585-4496
> <A HREF="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</A>

Bill Casey, President
Fabius Historical Society
PO Box 36
Apulia Station, NY 13020
[log in to unmask]
315 683-5674