When you speak of the town wanting to "preserve the monument" I would wonder - preserve it from what? Decay, vandalism, removal, development? As in the case of the small historical markers, the best program has been local volunteerism coupled with donations from local business. Considering the state of the world economy, it might be something best done on a local level. >>> [log in to unmask] 07/22/02 10:01AM >>> I just received a call from one of our town supervisors regarding the Stone Arabia Battlefield monument. The town would like to preserve the monument and possibly erect some signage providing information on the Battle of Stone Arabia. Are there any grants available that would help the town to preserve a vital part of its history? Kelly A. Yacobucci Farquhar County Historian/RMO Montgomery Co. Dept. of History & Archives Old Courthouse, P.O. Box 1500 Fonda, NY 12068-1500 518-853-8186 [log in to unmask]