The man who wrote it (whose name eludes me) spoke at an Archives Week Dinner in Kingston several years ago. Yes, Ashokan Farewell was written in the area of Ashokan in the Catskills and later picked up and used by Burns as evocatively as Samual Barber's music was used in Platoon.

>>> [log in to unmask] 05/17/02 08:55AM >>>
Speaking of the Ashokan Reservoir, does anyone know
whether the Civil War song entitled "Ashokan Farewell"
has anything to do with the Ashokan region?  This song
is the one that threads its way through each of the
episodes of Ken Burn's Civil War series.
Regina Daly
--- Melinda Yates <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I also found the recent article in the New York
> Times on the Ashokan Reservoir
> interesting.
> Members of the list who might want to explore this
> topic should know that the Ashokan Reservoir Land
> Appropriation Records, 1907-1958 are available on
> 209 reels of microfilm in the New York State
> Archives. (A3369).

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