I just discoveded this information and thought I would get it out to
as many as possible since the deadline is Veterans Day 2001. I
talked to the people at Kinko's and received a beautiful brochure
explaining this opportunity.

Anyone may take a photo of a veteran who died in Vietnam to Kinko's
and they will scan it and upload the photo for you to The Virtual Wall
at NO CHARGE until Veteran's Day 2001. This project is known
as 'Put A Face with A Name' and Kinko's wanted to contribute in this
way to honor those who paid with their lives.

I suggest you all pay a visit to this website as it is a beautiful
and let families know that this exists. I could not find the names of
men who died from my hometown and I plan on calling Binghamton
and notify these families so they can take advantage of getting their
loved one's picture and name into this project. www.thevirtualwall.org

Saratoga County just dedicated a large memorial to those who died
in all wars and had enlisted in Saratoga County. It is at the new
National Veteran's Cemetery in Stillwater near the Battlefield. It
over 700 veterans and will continue to add any more that can be found.

Please help to get this information to other people who might wish
to have their vet's picture added to the Vietnam Virtual Memoral Wall.

God Bless
Ruth Ann
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