Living in Lower Manhattan myself, I think that I can understand--and share the intensity of the "Janeholzka" email about the World Trade Center bombing and the Pearl Harbor attack. However, I fear that some of the distinctions offered may overstate the differences. The Pearl Harbor attack wasn't just an explicit act of war taken by one nation-state against another. It was a surprise attack that preceded a real declaration of war. If its survivors felt any less betrayed than survivors of the World Trade Center holocaust, they certainly had a more refined sense of international law than I can pretend to possess. Historical accounts also make it clear that Honolulu was targeted partly because it was an important symbol of a powerful nation-state. If "Comparing the WTC bombings to Pearl Harbor suggests that war is the appropriate response," then reducing the response to "a crime investigation and punishment of the transgressors" [the apprehension of the criminals occurring presumably somewhere before the conjunction] suggests that its perpetrators have been acting without nation-state protection and/or tolerance, an assumption that runs counter to recent history and even Taliban statements. The poster and I agree that the mention of Pearl Harbor evokes the chilling memory of internment of Japanese-American citizens. I hope that no one wants to return to that part of our shared history.