
I suggest you get in contact with Kathleen Hulser...she's the public
historian at the New York Historical Society and has been answering this
kind of question since last Tuesday. You might also try the Head of the
Historical Society, Kenneth Jackson. You can give me a call if you want to
lob a few questions my way...

Susan DeCarava
The New-York Historical Society
West 77th Street and Central Park West
(212) 873-0509

"The collision and the intermingling of millions of foreign-born people
representing so many races and creeds make New York a permanent exhibit of
the phenomenon of one world." --E. B. White

-----Original Message-----
From: Messmer, Alan [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 2:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Specialist in New York social history requested

Good afternoon all,

I don't normally put out requests, but I am a subscriber and do have a need.

Would there be anyone out there on the list who could speak to the culture
and social history of New York.  A correspondent of ours, Alexandra Marks,
is looking for an expert on the things that affect/have affected New Yorkers
throughout history.  This seemed like the best forum I could find for this.

Many thanks for any help offered.


Alan Messmer
News Researcher
The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway St.
Boston, MA  02115