Dear History ListServe Members:

I am writing to ask for any suggestions or corrections on a work in progress.

My task at hand is to construct a table that lists all of the Communal and Utopian Societies that have existed in New York State. I realize that it may not be feasible to list them all, (one of my sources directly states that a complete and accurate list would be impossible to construct) but my goal is to gather as much information as possible and to include all of the larger, more well-known communities, along with as many of the smaller, less-significant ones as I can find.

I am recording the movement associated with the community, the location, years active, and a brief description, along with the name of the community.

I have been using these sources to compile my list:

Fogarty, Robert S. Dictionary of American Communal and Utopian History
Miller, Timothy. The Quest for Utopias in 20th Century America
Miller, Timothy. The 60s Communes: Hippies and Beyond.

Find the draft of the table at (file name Utopia.htm). Obviously much of the information is incomplete, especially beginning in the mid 1960s. Comments and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated. I am also looking for other reliable sources. Thank you for you help.

Rachel Rubin
Assistant Researcher
The Encyclopedia of New York State
(518) 474-7411