Optional Offerings at the Peebles Island Resource Center
Peebles Island State Park, Waterford (15 minutes north of Albany)

Day 2 - May 18 - Preservation Workshops - 9 A.M. - 1 P.M.
Registration Fee: $15 (incl. lunch)
Including State & National Registers, State Parks' Preservation Grant Programs, Federal Preservation Investment Tax Credit, Certified Local Government Program, State Historic Preservation Office's Archeology Program & Tours of the State Preservation and Conservation Facilities.

Day 3 - May 19 - Annual Peebles Island Open House  - 11 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Open to the public - No charge
Including new exhibits, facility tours, special presentations and more!

Combined Registration Fee - Days 1 & 2: $65 (incl. lunches & reception)