You kjight try Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy, a juvenile book that I have my coll;ege students in NY history read. It's written about Wilder's husband growing up near Ogdensburg, and has a nice passage in it it about cutting and storing ice. It's readily available in modst libraries and is out in paperback. Almanzo, the boy in the story , is ten, so your students won't be too far off in age from its main character.

>>> [log in to unmask] 04/19/01 05:16PM >>>
Dear All:

        I have been asked about information having to do with the
harvesting of ice in central New York.

        Does anyone have anything to suggest that would be useful?

        This is for a 4th grade teacher.

        I really don't know where to turn aside from some pictures.

        With thanks,

        carol kammen