--Henry Conklin, Through Poverty's Vale, Syracuse U. Press 1974. "A Hardscrabble Boyhood in New York State" --Gavin Watt, Burning of the Valleys, Dundurn Press, Toronto & Oxford 1997. "Daring Raids from Canada against the New York Frontier in the Fall of 1780" --Isabel Thompson Kelsay, Joseph Brant 1743-1807, Syracuse U. Press, 1984. "Man of Two Worlds" (sounds like a biography for good reason) --Barbara Graymont, Iroquois in the American Revolution, Syracuse U. Press, 1972. (No subtitle) --Michael Kammen, Colonial New York a History, KTO Press, Millwood, N.Y., 1975 reprint of Scribner edition, no subtitle, ISBN 0-527-18717-8 and 0-527-18725-9 pbk. --E. Fuller Torrey M.D., Frontier Justice: The Rise and Fall of the Loomis Gang, North Country Books, Utica, 1992. Lou Tremante wrote: > Dear Fellow NYHIST-L members:I am creating a course for upper level > college-level students titled "The History of New York State" and > would appreciate any suggestions for my reading list (especially newer > titles), including films or other resources that list subscribers > enjoyed or think will be useful in this environment. Once I compile > the list I'll post it to the list.Thanks,Lou Tremante > > > [log in to unmask]