Try the Joslyn Art Museum, 220 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68102, "[log in to unmask]" If what you seek isn't there they may know what other places might have his work. "Karl Bodmer produced a large body of drawings and watercolors descriptive of his travels in North America in 1832-34 with the German naturalist Maximilian, Prince of Wied-Neuwied. Most of these works are now owned by Joslyn Art Museum and, along with Maximilian's hand-written journals and related materials, form the renowned Maximilian-Bodmer Collection." Dan W. >In his book _Across the Wide Missouri_ (1947), Bernard DeVoto refers to the >purchase by "a New York Museum in 1868" of paintings of American indians by >Karl Bodmer, a famous artist of the early American West. The book provides >no further details. > >Does anyone have a list of museums in the state that were active in 1868, and >which ones might have been likely to be collecting material like this? > >Thank you. > >Reed Augliere >