the question was asked: > A website for searching the burials to date at the new cemetery >In Saratoga. This includes the names of wives. >Does anyone know if this is also available for other National >Cemeteries? >Saratoga National Cemetery - Listing of burials can be found at > The U.S. Civil War Center in Louisiana State Univeristy has many National Cemeteries on-line, mostly in teh south and dealing with the Civil War. I was recently working on a project for the Nat. Park Service to help arrange the data on Union burials in the National Cemeteries around Richmond and had a heck of a time finding th elists other than going to the VA in DC, or relying on serendipity to have a printout of an old (Lotus) computer list of the burials. The folks at the Civil War Center stepped in and sent us the files. I need to get busy and get back on that project before they find someone else to do it! There must be other places that have other National Cemeteries on-line Here's the link for the Civil War Center at LSU. It gives the cemeteries and links to the proper pages (which come from all over the web - maybe searching the links will help you find more):> Dan W.