Should be some related material in : Gerard T. Koeppel's  - _Water for
Gotham_ (New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2000).

David Mior

>Dear New York Historians:
>The query below came to New York History Net. Can anyone help her?
>Dear Ms. DiSalvo,
>Beyond Griscom's Report, I'm at a loss. I'll post your query to the New York
>History listserv.
>Edward Knoblauch, Webmaster
>New York History Net
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Gloria DiSalvo
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 12:28 AM
>Subject: Sanitary Conditions 1845
>I'm a graduate student at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  I'm
>researching the sanitary conditions in New York City during the 1840's.  Any
>information would be appreciated.  I am reading John H. Griscom's "Report on
>the Sanitary Conditions in New York City, 1845"
>Thank you.
>Gloria DiSalvo
>email: [log in to unmask]

David Minor
Eagles Byte Historical Research
Pittsford, New York
716 264-0423
[log in to unmask]

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"I would undertake to supply your demands if your generosity is equal to them."
        -John Bartram, U. S. naturalist