Along the same lines, we live in a suburb of Denver, with a good county library system. I requested an ILL of microfilm copies of The National Tribune, a Civil War veterans' newspaper. Our library runs their requests through the ILL department of the Denver Public Library. After a few weeks, I was told they could not locate anyone willing to ILL the reels. Before I could investigate further, I went down to the Denver PL on another errand. Looking through their cabinets of microfilmed newspapers for the one I needed, I suddenly saw several drawers labeled..... The National Tribune! :>) Take care, Bob JUDY AND BOB HUDDLESTON 10643 Sperry Street Northglenn, CO 80234-3612 303.451.6376 [log in to unmask] Fax: 303.452.3051 Eileen: Credit for that discarded microfilm reader lays right at the feet of the N.Y.State Library Policy makers who changed the N.Y.Library STANDARDS C 1999 from the requirements that all libraries (chartered by the N.Y. State regents ) have Microfilm Readers to read that all libraries are required to have FAX machines ........................go figure? Leigh C. Eckmair, Historian Town of Butternuts & The Local History Collection THE GILBERTSVILLE FREE LIBRARY e-mail:[log in to unmask] SNIP I had > asked about an inter-library loan for newspapers and was told that newspapers > could not be sent by mail Hello? Don't they know that films are > sent?........I guess not; that would require a film reader. I purchased a > reader, since then but it is worthless if I can't take the film out of the > library...a catch 22. > > Eileen in NY