Walter Greenspan wrote:
> Please be aware:  In many areas of New York State, the problem of
> non-conforming postal zones leads to a situation where the majority of places
> have a different community name in their mailing address than the community
> where that place is actually located.

Which, in turn, leads to problems with the Post Office when it refuses
to recognize the town you live in as a real address.  Here in New
Jersey, we had to enlist Congressional assistance to persuade the USPS
to recognize East Windsor as a valid address instead of Hightstown P.O.
East Windsor was not in the zip code directory and the USPS professed a
right not to deliver mail that was addressed to East Windsor. Another
result was uncountable arguments with persons looking at their computer
terminals which refused to accept East Windsor as a valid address for
zip code 08520.

Greenspan's solution for a revived (19th Century) custom of inserting
the P.O. within parentheses after the name of the town you live in would
do much to alleviate confusion and restore local identity.