NYHIST-L Archives

November 1999


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"John T. Reilly" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 14:16:37 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
New York State History has been a regular offering every two years at Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, New York, for as long as I can remember. Enrollments have been high, at least thirty per year.  We use
Ellis as a text, permission to photocopy has been obtained from Cornell U. Press.  We also use Gaile on the Constitutional History of New York.  The course only goes as far as the Civil War, with some emphasis
on social and economic history after that period.  It is too difficult to cover the entire history of the state in one semester.

John T. Reilly

Bob Arnold wrote:

> I teach New York State and NY regional history at the College of Saint Rose in Albany and have for twenty years. NYS history seems to be a staple in a number of Capital District two and four-year colleges.
> >>> Peter Holloran <[log in to unmask]> 11/16 10:43 AM >>>
> I would be interested in knowing if many colleges in New York teach
> state history. It is required in high schools and colleges in some
> states, but not (as far as I can determine) in Northern states.
> Peter Holloran
> Worcester State College