Could we collectors of little-known facts and dates know your great
grandfather's name?
David Minor
>My gr gr grandfather was a Port Warden for New York Harbor, appointed by
>Governor Cornell in 1880 and reappointed by successive Governors till he
>retired in 1899. I have been to the South Street Seaport Library, The City
>Archives and have been in contact with the NYS Arcives in Albany. There
>are no known records for the Port Wardens for New York Harbor. Supposedly
>over 30 letters of recommendation were received by Gov Cornell regarding
>the appointment. To date I have not been able to locate any record of the
>appointment. The only place I have not checked with is Cornell University.
> They apparently have some of Gov. Cornell's records. I seek any
>information anyone can provide regarding the Port Wardens.
>There were apparently about 5(five) Wardens who worked for a fee inspecting
>ship's cargo into and out of the port of New York.These fees were accounted
>for and split five ways at the end of the year or month etc. The State
>didn't even get a cut...very interesting.
>Can anyone help?
>Jerry Reed - Whitesboro, NY
>Otsego County NYGENweb Page at
>Lewis County NYGENweb Page at
David Minor
Eagles Byte Historical Research
Rochester, New York
716 264-0423
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