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October 2013


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Oct 2013 16:31:31 -0500
"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Joseph Gindele <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
Hi, Profesor Lewis!

Here is a website you might find interesting and useful with your
students. It's our memoir of growing up in NYC in the ethnic neighborhood
of Yorkville on Manhattan's Upper East Side in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.
Our award-winning book, "Yorkville Twins" has been adopted and is being
used for the second year in a row as required reading at Mercy College in
NYC. Freshman and junior seminar students are reading it in "Critical
Inquiry: The Immigration experience in New York City," and "Critical
Inquiry: History of the Hudson," respectively. It describes the first 18
years of our lives growing up with immigrant parents (Czech mother and
German father) in a family of seven.

 "Yorkville Twins" includes is a richly annotated resource section, over
100 photographs and illustrations, and a glossary.

On May 18, 2013, the book was awarded FINALIST and runner up in the Social
Science category of hundreds of books submitted from 12 midwestern states.

Please see our website for bio's, testimonials, reader's responses, links,
and additional information: www.YorkvilleTwinsBook.com.

Thank you!

Joe Gindele, D.I.T.

> CRREO, the Center for Research, Regional Education and Outreach, has
> launched a new blog on New York State history. The first three entries
> explore the stories of Jupiter Hammon, Gilded Age Castles of the Thousand
> Islands, and Matilda Joslyn Gage.
> We live in the midst of New York stories, and create new ones every day.
> They are all around us. The sum of these stories, some familiar, some
> virtually forgotten, make up the history of our state. As a center of
> innovation, enterprise, diversity, interconnections, conflicts and
> leadership, New York State both reflects the entire history of the United
> States and provides its own special flavor to the American narrative.
> New Yorkers have been accused of neglecting their past to focus on the fu
> ture. Yet the college students who study Empire State history with me are
> not only excited to learn about the state in which they live, but
> frustrated when they realize how much they were nev er before taught. So,
> as I wrap up my research and begin writing a new college textbook on the
> history of New York State, I set out in this blog to share with a wider
> audience some of the discoveries I have made along the way as I’ve
> researched New York’s stories. It will feature snippets of history that I
> find intriguing — vignettes from the Big Apple and the boroughs, Long
> Island, the Hudson Valley, Capital District, North Country, Southern Tier,
> Finger Lakes, the Niagara F rontier – and anywhere in between. Although
> these stories may not be news to all of you, they will be surprising to
> some, and will jog the memories of others.
> The blog can be found at http://sites.newpaltz.edu/nyrediscovered/
> Read and enjoy. And, if you have any comments or corrections, please share
> them with us.
> Sincerely,
> Susan Ingalls Lewis
> Associate Professor of History
> SUNY New Paltz

Joseph Gindele, co-author
An imprint of Golden Valley Publishing, LLC
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