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April 2000


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"Susan L. McCormick" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 14:50:32 +0000
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Researching New York 2000:
Perspectives on Empire State History
November 17, 2000
University at Albany-SUNY

Sponsored by:
The Department of History, University at Albany-SUNY
The New York State Archives and Archives Partnership Trust
The History Graduate Student Organization

New York has a long and rich history that stretches back to
the Iroquoian tribes that inhabited and roamed its vast spaces
several hundred years ago and today extends to thousands of
cyberspace communities that shatter the traditional definition of the
state as a geographical entity. Soldiers and sweatshop
workers, incarcerated felons and wealthy urbanites, teachers and
parsons, Wall Street brokers and students, homeless vagabonds and
politicians--all are part of the tapestry of New York. Join us as we
explore the Empire State's variegated and significant past.

Researching New York provides a forum for the exploration of New
York's history. It brings together researchers, archivists,
librarians, public historians, museum curators, Web site creators,
and documentarians--emphasizing the integral relationship
between researchers and achival resources.

The 2nd Annual Researching New York Conference will be held at the
University at Albany~SUNY on November 17, 2000. We welcome
proposals for papers, panels, workshops, roundtables, and exhibits on
any aspect of New York history.

Proposals are due by June 26, 2000.  Presenters will be notified by
August 1, 2000.  Full panel proposals are encouraged; however, we
will also consider partial panel and individual submissions.  All
submissions must include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail
address.  Please submit a one-page abstract for each proposal and a
one-page curriculum vita for each presenter to [log in to unmask]
or mail to:
Researching New York 2000
Department of History University at Albany - SUNY
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York  12222
phone:  518-442-4488
fax:       518-442-3477

Conference updates, including  information about speakers, workshops,
and registration will be posted to the Researching New York
homepage at  http://nystatehistory.org/researchNY


Susan L. McCormick
Department of History
University at Albany-SUNY
phone: (518)442-4488
fax: (518)442-3477
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]