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July 2002


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"Daniel H. Weiskotten" <[log in to unmask]>
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A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 22:12:58 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
Census records were one of the main sources for information on African
Americans in my Cazenovia research:


Despite being a hotbed of abolitionist activity from the 1830s on, you
would think that there were lots of sources about resident blacks, but not
so the case.  Until I did a good look at the names on the census records I
never realized that two men, James Peters and Nathan Gilbert were black =
they show up int he tax and land records like anyone else.  It makes me
wonder what else is out there to be found.

Local researchers are doing a wonderful project to trace John Lincklaen's
original "East Road" which is still called the East Road leading Cazenovia
Village and extended all the way down the purchase to southern Chenango
Co.  This route was a prominent course for the UGRR, leading through almost
wilderness lands right to Cazenovia.  Much of was abandoned by the mid-19th
century which made it a good route, but if anyone wants to clear an
incredible interpretive trail for the UGRR, I can't think of a better
candidate.  I've helped trace it with my research into road surveys, land
records, maps, and Lincklaen's papers, so the actual course is well
defined, if overgrown.  Others are working on the history.

Dan W.

(oh, nd if I have not announced, I am now Assistant Director of the
Chesterfield Historical Society [Virginia] - it sure is fun to be back in
to history !! )