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December 1997


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"Robert V. Shear" <[log in to unmask]>
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Tue, 30 Dec 1997 16:59:21 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
Jim Corsaro wrote:
> Listservers:
> I have an enquiry from someone looking for a map of the underground
> railroad in NYS. This person wants something showing the routes and
> possibly sites of udg. rr locations. I know of no such map, but there may
> be one, so does anyone know of a map?
> Aside from the fact that many (the majority?) of the sites claimed to be
> underground rr. places are probably mythical or family traditions about an
> old root cellar, we do know that the railroad existed in NYS and perhaps
> some historian/geographer has made a map showing the major routes. Anyone
> know??
> Thanks.
>                                 Jim Corsaro

The History of the State of New York, edited by A.C. Flick contained a
map, which is online at the UGRR in NYS website
(http://www.nyhistory.com/ugrr/map.htm).  There area other maps in
Seibert's The Underground Railroad, and in a book about the UGRR in
Western New York called "And Why Not Every Man?"

Bob Shear