Yes, we have that document in the NY State Library and I checked it and it
does have maps showing NYS (and the rest of the U.S.) with what are
described as documented land routes.
Thanks for reminding to check our federal documents collection. It is
usually a good starting point for a lot of research.
On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Rebecca Rector wrote:
> I have an interesting document published by the National Park Service, 1995
> entitled
> "Underground Railroad: Special Resource Study, Management
> Concepts/Environmental Assessment", USGPO (842-818). In 1990 Congress
> directed the Nat'l Park Service to study how to best interpret and
> commemorate the UGRR, emphasizing routes taken.
> This study has fold-out maps that show documented routes in all states.
> There is also an appendix which lists UGRR sites, parks, museums, activities
> etc. in each state (not claimed to be complete); plus a preliminary list of
> 380 sites & structures associated with the UGRR in all states. Lists
> addresses, dates, significance...
> There is a woman here in the Capital District who was a consultant to the
> project. She has given several talks about local UGRR involvement. I can
> look up her name, if anyone is interested.
> Rebecca Rector, MLS
> RbInfo Research Services
> Troy, NY
> At 01:00 PM 12/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >Listservers:
> >
> >I have an enquiry from someone looking for a map of the underground
> >railroad in NYS. This person wants something showing the routes and
> >possibly sites of udg. rr locations. I know of no such map, but there may
> >be one, so does anyone know of a map?
> >
> >Aside from the fact that many (the majority?) of the sites claimed to be
> >underground rr. places are probably mythical or family traditions about an
> >old root cellar, we do know that the railroad existed in NYS and perhaps
> >some historian/geographer has made a map showing the major routes. Anyone
> >know??
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
> > Jim Corsaro
> >
> >
> Rebecca Rector
> RbInfo
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