The following announcement is from the New Netherland Institute.
--Moderator, NYHIST-L
Federal Hall, 26 Wall Street, New York, NY
New Netherland - the Dutch province that stretched from today's New York State to parts of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut - existed for 55 years and its legacy lives on. Just two years after the founding of the first permanent English colony at Jamestown in 1607, and eleven years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Dutch were in New Netherland. And, although their hold on that part of North America was tenuous and brief, the influence of the Dutch was both impressive and long term.
Light on New Netherland, a traveling exhibit consisting of 26 two-dimensional panels, introduces adults and children to important, but not well-known aspects of this part of the American history and culture.
The New Amsterdam History Center (NAHC) has arranged for the exhibit to appear at the Federal Hall National Memorial site through the cooperation of the New Netherland Institute, the National Park Service, Collegiate Church Corporation and a grant from the New York Empire State Development Corporation.
For further information see:
The Federal Hall National Memorial Site at is open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM.
New Amsterdam History Center website at
NY400 website at and
Marilyn E. Douglas VP, NNI/NNP Coordinator
New Netherland Institute
Cultural Education Center, Room 10D45
Albany NY 12230-0001
Phone 518.408.1212 (w), Tues, Wed
518.489.0418 (h)
Fax 518.473.0472
Mobile: 518.495.5993
Email: [log in to unmask]
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