NYHIST-L Archives

April 1998


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Vicki Weiss <[log in to unmask]>
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A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:46:01 -0400
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The Documentary Heritage Program (DHP) of the New York State Archives and Records Administration (NYSARA) is offering several workshops around the state this spring. Although they are designed for staff of historical societies, museums,  and local history rooms in public libraries, they are open to local historians and anyone who is charged with taking care of the records of organizations (4-H clubs, reading circles, Rotaries, etc.) or businesses. The workshops also would be of interest to those who are saving family histories.

Offerings include Basic Elements of an Historical Records Program, Introduction to Appraisal and Selection of Historical Records, Introduction to Arrangement and Description of Historical Records, and Internet Access to New York's Historical Records.

Information on times and dates and who to contact are available at: http://www.sara.nysed.gov/services/training/catalog.htm

For more information on the Documentary Heritage Program (DHP), contact Vicki Weiss, NYS Archives and Records Administration, [log in to unmask] or 518-474-4372.