I am pleased to announce the addition of a major new resource to the
Schenectady Digital History Archive.
_Electric City Immigrants_ is Robert Pascucci's Ph.D. dissertation on
Polish and Italian immigrants in Schenectady from 1880 to 1930. The
product of years of research in newspapers, the census and the archives
of government and religious organizations, this book provides a wealth
of detail on the experiences of two immigrant communities during a
period of industrial glory for Schenectady.
We are grateful to Dr. Pascucci for giving us permission to make his
work available on our site.
The Schenectady Digital History Archive, a service of the Schenectady
County Public Library, has been making information about Schenectady
County history and genealogy available online since 1996.
Bob Sullivan <[log in to unmask]>
Schenectady County Public Library (NY) <http://www.scpl.org/>
Schenectady Digital History Archive